99.947% (October 2023 - September 2024)
Plex System Status
North America

Plex Status Help

The Plex Status website offers performance and problem information about Plex servers. Choose a section below for more information

Website Navigation

Navigation is done through a menu system under the "hamburger" menu in the upper left corner of the screen. Menu Clicking this icon will pop up a menu which pertains the current page that you're visiting.

Home Status Page

The home page of the Plex Status site shows you at a glance the current Sub System Status along with the last date and time the system was updated. Items with a "chevron icon" () can be expanded and details the items within that group displayed.

The Status Color Legend is as follows:
System Running Normally
Performance Problem
System Down
Viewing Status Details
Clicking the button will pop up detailed information about the current state of the sub-system.
Searching the Status History
If you click on the sub-system, or click on the Search button, you will be taken to the Status History search screen where you can find past updates to sub systems and their details.
Searching the Status History
Search example

You can view past history updates and narrow your results by changing your search criteria. The search status screen will show the start/end date for an event along with the duration of that event.

Viewing Status Details
Clicking the Status Button button will pop up detailed information about the specific update.
Plex Uptime
Uptime example

At the top of the Plex Status Home page gives current uptime information, along with a link to the Plex Status page with more detailed information.

Build Information

Version: 2.2.8993.35028
Build Date: 8/15/2024 7:27:36 PM